Sunday, May 11, 2014

Food to Eat During Pregnancy

Eating healthily while you are pregnant is good for many reasons - it is healthy for your baby, for your body and it means that you'll have a healthy eating pattern when your baby arrives.There are certain foods in particular that you should focus on.
If you don't have carbs at the moment, make sure you do while pregnant. Brown or mixed bread is better.
It's really important to eat plenty of protein when you are pregnant because there's lots of cell production going on and protein helps this. Protein helps things to grow and it helps the healing process. Meat and fish are really good, if you're a vegetarian try to eat more pulses and seeds that are rich in protein.
Fruit and Veg
You should make sure that you have the recommended five pieces of fruit and veg a day. Try not to have five of the same thing though, five bananas isn't as good as five different types of fruit.
Your baby will be taking a lot of calcium from you so you need to stock up. Cheese and milk are good.
Some women find that their iron levels are low and might need to eat more iron-rich food like spinach, beef and butternut squash.

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