Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Growing a baby for 9 months will take a whole lot of energy and a massive toll on your body - it's no easy feat making another human being! No-one will escape is tiredness in pregnancy.
Excessive tiredness is common during the 1st trimester of pregnancy because of the hormonal changes, and the nausea and sickness which reduce your food intake.
It's also possible at the end of pregnancy, especially if you're sleeping badly, expecting twins, already have other children to look after, etc.
Tiredness in pregnancy is totally normal, but if you find yourself feeling constantly run down and never wanting to get out of bed it can be hard to think about anything else.
Try to rest as much as you can throughout your pregnancy. And ask your partner, family, friends or neighbors to help out with household tasks and shopping.
An iron supplement is often recommended during the last two trimesters of pregnancy, particulary when pregnancies have been close together or if you're expecting twins. Speak to your doctor or midwife who will advise you on any supplements you may need to take.

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